Month: November 2013

Icon: St. Michael, Horseman of the Apocalypse

A large icon showing St. Michael Horseman of the Apocalypse. Tempera on wood panel. Crowned, with prominent, outstretched wings, astride a fiery winged horse, the archangel blowing a golden trumpet, raising a Book of Gospels and killing the dragon with his lance with cruciform finial. Christ Emmanuel appearing in swirling clouds. The background stripped to gesso. Minimally restored. Russian, 19th century.

Hymn: Akathist to St. Michael the Archangel, Chant Nine

For previous chants, please see tag: Akathist hymn

Ninth Chant

Speakers, eloquent in words and who love clever thoughts, have not sufficient strength to declare your might, 0 Michael, and how in one night you destroyed the one hundred and eighty-five thousand warriors of Sennacherih, the king of Assyria, as a warning to him not to blaspheme the Name of the Lord in the future. We, honoring your zeal for the glory of the truth of God, cry out to you with gladness:

Hail, unconquerable leader of the armies of Orthodoxy!
Hail, very fear and defeat of armies whose beliefs are evil!
Hail, planter of the Orthodox faith and worship!
Hail, uprooter of heresies and schisms that harm the soul!
Hail, you who strengthened the pious Maccabees on the field of battle!
Hail, you who struck down in the temple itself Heliodorus, the captain of the evil king, Antiochus!
Hail, Michael, great chief captain with all the hosts of heaven!


O, Chief Captain of God, be for us who wish to be saved, a firm helper, to deliver and preserve us from distress and mishap, and even more so from our own evil habits and sins so that, progressing in faith, hope and love of Christ, we may thankfully cry out with joy to the Master of angels and mankind for your strong defense: Alleluia!